JAMES JENKINS 22 5'10 waist 28 chest 29 1/2 exp, biceps 12 3/8. High School football and baseball, is very good of swimming, like Nav

as Torpedoman's mate which he enjoyed very much.

AMG photo YU4 L, 2 catalogs 30

RON THOMAS 21, 5'10",

Wt 11 stone 7 lb (161). He received the title Mr.

in Bristol England. In addition to weight lifting, he is interested in swimming and water polo.

2 Iverson Road, Kilburn NW6, England. Send $1. for samples.

BOB ATHENS 21, 5'11" (and further information) Physique Pictorial Vol. tos of this excelle

4. Photo by Joe Ro-


photos $2. Set of six Calif.

Photo on your right

also by Joe Robinson

of Roger Devereux

et of 6 prints $2.

ROGER DEVEREAU 21, 5'10 160. Has been mixing model ling with his acting work.

as recently completed WutherPlayers Theth The Hollywood his work with the major studios recently did a part in Apollo In"In The Flesh"

archery and ridine fencing,

Roger is available for modelling and film work during his limited spare time. For such work

or may be written at 2071 Vi

Del Mar Hollywood 28, Calif.

Letters from Readers:

AMATEUR HYPNOTISTS BEWARE! "Dear Sirs: Read with interest your desertation on hypnosis in your Winter 57 issue. You probably have no idea of the havoc you can wreak by encouraging your readers to dabble in hypnotic experiments. Any psychiatrist will tell you that you probably have a good many potential psychopaths in your readership, just waiting to be touched off by some bungling novice. To be sure there are many doctors practicing this art completely unqualified to handle it. Any person without a thorough background in psychology and psychiatry might quite unwittingly do irreparable harm. Encourage your readers in positive thinking, developing strong will, but I implore you to discourage them from going thru the actual hypnotic ritual. While only a handful would probably be successful anyway, you would be quite ashamed if a psychopathic criminal were unleashed on the world through some bungled experiment." LT, State Mental Hospital (State withheld). Editor's note: We believe that a great deal of "hypnosis" goes on in the world which is not actually recognized as such--even the "hypnotist" is not actually aware of his role. Certainly many religious revelations (those of your and our church excluded of course) might be attributed to this phenomenom. It is not necessary to follow any ritualistic pattern of telling a person he is tired and going to sleep etc, etc. to produce hypnosis-on the contrary such patter may actually cause a person to alert his defences against the invasion of his mind. We believe that a potential psychopath is no more likely to be "set off" during a formal hypnotic experiment than he would at a time he reached the effective state of hypnosis through the unwitting mental domination of some particularly strong minded (not necessarily intelligent or strong willed) person, who for one reason or another was able to exert a strong influence over him. For example, love and/or sex impulse can exert an influence over an individual of infinitely greater power than the most accomplished hypnotist. At any rate, "for the sake of the record" we hereby do not encourage any unqualified person from knowingly experimenting in formal hypnosis. Therefore we cannot tell you how to "do it yourself,"